#7 - This is not a new Cold War w/ Bilahari Kausikan
Listen now | What does Russia’s invasion of Ukraine mean for Asia? In this relaunch of the Non-Aligned Podcast hear from Bilahari Kausikan, the former head of Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a former ambassador to Russia. Topics: How Russia miscalculated and China is in a bind — What the West gets wrong about Russia — Why he rejects IR theorist Mearsheimer’s “crude realism” — The paradox of Singapore-China relations — What to expect for China in the Indopacific in over the horizon.
#7 - This is not a new Cold War w/ Bilahari Kausikan
#7 - This is not a new Cold War w/ Bilahari…
#7 - This is not a new Cold War w/ Bilahari Kausikan
Listen now | What does Russia’s invasion of Ukraine mean for Asia? In this relaunch of the Non-Aligned Podcast hear from Bilahari Kausikan, the former head of Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a former ambassador to Russia. Topics: How Russia miscalculated and China is in a bind — What the West gets wrong about Russia — Why he rejects IR theorist Mearsheimer’s “crude realism” — The paradox of Singapore-China relations — What to expect for China in the Indopacific in over the horizon.